Friday, February 6, 2009

Bill nGates on Great Teachers (Data)

1 comment:

JimB said...

Mr. Gates skirted the answers to the problem. Although he is on the hunt, the one indicator I heard was the learning environment where the teacher was always trolling for involvement to keep the intellectual buy-in at a maximum in the classroom. This canned intelligence would be indicative of high test scores as an outcome. Real intellectual buy-in is an organic process that is invested by the engaged learner so that you have this sort of fusion reaction that grows rather than having to continually feed the mind fires.Schools have raised people to learn how to perform divestments from the worldof diminidhing returns as an economic model rather than truly growing genius and allowing that to be invested to manifest and grow resources. It's all a self fullfilling prophesy, either way. We either plan for success or....